Torso and Limbs

Hyman Bloom: Torso and Limbs, 1952, oil on canvas, 34¼ by 52 inches. Courtesy Alexandre Gallery, New York. © Stella Bloom Trust.
Hyman Bloom: Torso and Limbs, 1952, oil on canvas, 34¼ by 52 inches. Courtesy Alexandre Gallery, New York. © Stella Bloom Trust.
Hyman Bloom: Female Cadaver, 1954, Conte crayon on paper, 32½ by 44 inches. Collection Judith Goldberg Hayman. Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. © Stella Bloom Trust.
Hyman Bloom: Corpse of a Man, 1944, oil on canvas, 72 1/4 by 34 1/4 inches. Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Courtesy MFA. © Stella Bloom Trust.
Bloom’s paintings in “Americans 1942: 18 Artists from 9 States” at the Museum of Modern Art. © Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, New York.
Hyman Bloom: The Synagogue, ca. 1940, oil on canvas, 65¼ by 46¾ inches. © Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, New York.